The price for the Dine Around is CHF 75.00 per adult (from the age of 12 up) and CHF 45.00 for children up to 11 years. Our Dine Around is valid for the duration of your stay, however, there are no refunds if not used.
Embark on a Kul(m)inary journey in our restaurants Muntanella, Taverne, Ahaan Thai and Piz Kulm. The Dine Around includes three courses in all restaurants (starter, main course, dessert). At Piz Kulm you can choose between cheese fondue and raclette in the 3-course menu.
The price for the Dine Around is CHF 75.00 per adult (from the age of 12 up) and CHF 45.00 for children up to 11 years. Our Dine Around is valid for the duration of your stay, however, there are no refunds if not used.
Of course you have the option to have a Dine Around for lunch instead of dinner. Please note that the Muntanella restaurant is open for lunch.
In the restaurants Muntanella, Taverne and Ahaan Thai you can create your own menu - according to your wishes. In the Piz Kulm restaurant, the menu offered (raclette or fondue) is included in the dine around. Dine Around can also be ordered as room service.
Drinks are not included in the Dine Around.
We kindly ask you to make table reservations in advance.